LEARNER RIDERS Once every few weeks we take some time out to help our customers pass their P's test. On some Saturdays from 4 to 5pm behind Lennock Motors in Bellona Court we have the test marked out, we walk riders through the test so you know what to practice before the big day. Remember to get off your L's as soon as possible, don't leave it a full year and have to do your L's a second time. Getting your P-licence means you can travel at the speed limit in NSW, and take a passenger sooner!
Next Dates:
Saturday Nov 16
Saturday Dec 14
Saturday Jan 11
SCOOTER RIDES There is a monthly ride for ScooterRiders, open to all scooter models and brands and they are listed in the Events Calendar below.
Rides/Events are on Sundays, usually on the 1st Sunday of the month.
VESPA RIDERS The Vespa Club of Canberra started in March 2024. The Vespa club has a website and a facebook page to advertise their rides and events.
Website: https://canberra.vcoa.com.au
Facebook: Vespa Club of Canberra
CLASSIC SCOOTER RIDERS There is a group for classic scooter riders in Canberra. There is a facebook group, and the planned rides are posted at www.theswarm.com.au
Oct 6 ScooterRiders ride. (daylight savings begins) Meet at 9:30 for a 10am start at the Ampol Service Station on Kirkpatrick St off the Cotter Road. The ride is to Yass the back way - down Mountain Creek Road.
Oct 28 to Nov 2 Motorini closed
Oct 30 and 31 The Scooter Mille http://scootermille.weebly.com/ Geared scooters only - Mooloolabar Queensland
Nov 1 to 3 National Classic Scooter Rally, Mooloolabar Queensland
Nov 10 ScooterRiders ride. This ride is suitable for smaller 125cc+ scooters. Meet at Duffy Shops for a coffee - leave at 10am for a ride to the Old Stromlo Observatory, over to the top of the hill at the Arboretum, then around the lake to Weston Park then to the Canberra Yacht Club for fish and chips and a catch up.
Dec 1 ScooterRiders ride. Meet at 9:30 at the Pialligo Bakesmith for a 10am ride to Captains Flat (moved to December 15)
December 7 Toy Run - All ScooterRiders are invited to ride from motorini at 9:30 (meet from 9:00am). Just for fun, we can arrive as a group at the Toy Run, and ride it as a group as well. Put your Santa jacket on if you have one. It's not important to bring a gift - a cash donation on the day is great too.
As is appropriate for the season, all the red scooters will ride in front as a group!
This event supports charities and reminds people about difficulties faced by some at Christmas, and also positively promotes the two wheeled community.
Dec 15 ScooterRiders ride. Meet at 10 at the Pialligo Bakesmith for a 10:30am ride to Captains Flat
Motorini scooters open December 23 and 24 - Then re-opening January 7, 2025
Jan 7 - Motorini open for the new year
Jan .. - ACT Veteran Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club ride - Annual Tiddlers Ride 10:30 am departure
https://vvcmcc.org/comingevents/ (for traditional geared scooters)
March 28 to 30 Australian Vespa Days in Nambour, Queensland. https://www.vespaclubbrisbane.com/
March 25 to April 1 inclusive (8 Days) - Another Vespa Grand Tour like the one we went on to the last Vespa Days in Wangaratta - GT200, GTS250 & 300 scooters only.
A group of GT Vespas (Grand Tourers) are meeting at 8am at the Service station at Gold Creek for a group ride to the Australian Vespa Days in Queensland. We will find a more fun route than straight down the highway. follow this link for more information
April 13 Auto Italia - This Year is the 40th anniversary of Auto Italia, Canberra's biggest display of Italian scooters, bikes, and cars. Take a look at classic Italian machinery, eat Italian food, drink coffee or sit under a tree. For those who want to display your scooter you can do that for a small fee (be there before 10 am and register online before the event)
Spectator entry is free on the day. Queanbeyan Park, see https://www.autoitaliacanberra.com/
May 18 - THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMANS RIDE - A fun ride with a chance to dress up. Suitable for traditional geared scooters; also modern automatic Vespas will fit the modern classic category.
There is a small cost for charity and this one goes towards prostate cancer and Men's mental health.
Register yourself @ " https://www.gentlemansride.com/register " and come and ride with us!
Sep 30 to October 6 Motorini closed
Oct 1 & 2 The Scooter Mille http://scootermille.weebly.com/ Geared scooters only - Mudgee
Oct 3 to 6 National Classic Scooter Rally, Mudgee
no date - Classic scooter riders only, Bathurst https://classicscooter500.weebly.com/
no date - The Australian National Scooter Rally www.nationalscooterrally.weebly.com
Oct 6 ScooterRiders ride. (daylight savings begins) Meet at 9:30 for a 10am start at the Ampol Service Station on Kirkpatrick St off the Cotter Road. The ride is to Yass the back way - down Mountain Creek Road.
Oct 28 to Nov 2 Motorini closed
Oct 30 and 31 The Scooter Mille http://scootermille.weebly.com/ Geared scooters only - Mooloolabar Queensland
Nov 1 to 3 National Classic Scooter Rally, Mooloolabar Queensland
Nov 10 ScooterRiders ride. This ride is suitable for smaller 125cc+ scooters. Meet at Duffy Shops for a coffee - leave at 10am for a ride to the Old Stromlo Observatory, over to the top of the hill at the Arboretum, then around the lake to Weston Park then to the Canberra Yacht Club for fish and chips and a catch up.
Dec 1 ScooterRiders ride. Meet at 9:30 at the Pialligo Bakesmith for a 10am ride to Captains Flat (moved to December 15)
December 7 Toy Run - All ScooterRiders are invited to ride from motorini at 9:30 (meet from 9:00am). Just for fun, we can arrive as a group at the Toy Run, and ride it as a group as well. Put your Santa jacket on if you have one. It's not important to bring a gift - a cash donation on the day is great too.
As is appropriate for the season, all the red scooters will ride in front as a group!
This event supports charities and reminds people about difficulties faced by some at Christmas, and also positively promotes the two wheeled community.
Dec 15 ScooterRiders ride. Meet at 10 at the Pialligo Bakesmith for a 10:30am ride to Captains Flat
Motorini scooters open December 23 and 24 - Then re-opening January 7, 2025
Jan 7 - Motorini open for the new year
Jan .. - ACT Veteran Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club ride - Annual Tiddlers Ride 10:30 am departure
https://vvcmcc.org/comingevents/ (for traditional geared scooters)
March 28 to 30 Australian Vespa Days in Nambour, Queensland. https://www.vespaclubbrisbane.com/
March 25 to April 1 inclusive (8 Days) - Another Vespa Grand Tour like the one we went on to the last Vespa Days in Wangaratta - GT200, GTS250 & 300 scooters only.
A group of GT Vespas (Grand Tourers) are meeting at 8am at the Service station at Gold Creek for a group ride to the Australian Vespa Days in Queensland. We will find a more fun route than straight down the highway. follow this link for more information
April 13 Auto Italia - This Year is the 40th anniversary of Auto Italia, Canberra's biggest display of Italian scooters, bikes, and cars. Take a look at classic Italian machinery, eat Italian food, drink coffee or sit under a tree. For those who want to display your scooter you can do that for a small fee (be there before 10 am and register online before the event)
Spectator entry is free on the day. Queanbeyan Park, see https://www.autoitaliacanberra.com/
May 18 - THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMANS RIDE - A fun ride with a chance to dress up. Suitable for traditional geared scooters; also modern automatic Vespas will fit the modern classic category.
There is a small cost for charity and this one goes towards prostate cancer and Men's mental health.
Register yourself @ " https://www.gentlemansride.com/register " and come and ride with us!
Sep 30 to October 6 Motorini closed
Oct 1 & 2 The Scooter Mille http://scootermille.weebly.com/ Geared scooters only - Mudgee
Oct 3 to 6 National Classic Scooter Rally, Mudgee
no date - Classic scooter riders only, Bathurst https://classicscooter500.weebly.com/
no date - The Australian National Scooter Rally www.nationalscooterrally.weebly.com